Investigating Gut Hormone Levels in Human Health and Disease

Researchers at Addenbrookes Hospital are looking for people diagnosed with bile acid diarrhoea to participate in a research study.

The purpose of the research study is to understand how hormones released from the gut vary before and after a meal. In particular certain hormones associated with hunger and feeling full are a particular interest of clinical research. These gut hormones are known to vary both before and after a meal. Newer techniques have been developed to measure gut hormones in humans.

The researchers wish to utilise these new techniques to measure how gut hormones and other metabolic markers vary both before and after a meal. The long-term aim of this work is to develop a technique for measuring gut hormones in clinical practice, and see how it varies across different metabolic and gastrointestinal diseases. This should aid diagnosis of such conditions and help develop new treatments for these diseases.

For more information please read the Information Sheet for Volunteers

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